IFI Christmas Party

December 16, 2016

16 Dec 2016
7:00 pm - 11:30 pm

Bruckers, 1635 Grange Hall Rd., Beavercreek, Ohio

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YAAAAAAAY! It’s time to celebrate two things: 1) the semester is over and 2) Christmas!
Friday, December 16 will be our last IFI meeting for the semester. As part of it we will have food, sharing of the Christmas story and why we celebrate it, and our annual gift exchange game!

If you are coming, please come prepared by bringing a small and wrapped $5-10 gift (you don’t need to spend very much). Even if you have something new or gently used at home that you think others would like (maybe something from your country?) that would work as well! Some ideas are: food, candy, a small blanket, winter hat/scarves/gloves, candles…whatever you think people would like! If you’re not sure, bring something that YOU would like!

Rides will be available from the WSU Student Union from 6-7pm